Biggest ever football session
What do you see in the picture? What is happening? What do the T-shirts say- what is this about?
On March 7th the "Biggest ever Football Session" is happening in schools across the UK.
What do you think this is?
The Biggest Ever Football Session is about inspiring and making sure girls feel welcome playing football.
It's about inclusion in sports, showing that girls belong in football.
The aim is to get as many girls as possible in school all playing football on the same day.
What does inclusion mean?
Why might dome girls feel unwelcome playing football, what do some people say about football and boys and girls.
What do we say at our school about girls and boys and football?
Watch this video #LetGirlsPlay- The FA
What is this video about? What can we learn from this video?
Olivia Hancock is a campaigning to make girls feel welcome in football.
What is sexism?
Olivia says, "As a young girl all I wanted to do was kick a football and have fun. While at primary school, I was told that girls don't play football - it's a boys sport."
Why do you think some people at Olivia's primary school said football is for boys?
Would that happen at our school? Why not?
"When I left primary school in 2027 I was determined that not only should primary schools give girls equal access to football, they should also have girls football teams."
Do you think we should have girls football teams, or do you think we should just play together?
What do we say at our school about gender and football?
Why is this about No Outsiders?
Which British value is this about?
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