

Flower bouquets left in Kirkby Stephen help beat loneliness - BBC News

 What is happening in this picture, what do you think the story is?

Bunches of flowers are being left on benches in Kirby Stephen in Cumbria over summer to cheer people up.

The local WI (Women’s Institute) created about 30 bunches and left them on benches around the town. The bunches included flowers and herbs from the groups’ own gardens and also donations of flowers from a local business. There was also a handcrafted heart with each bunch so that people would have something to keep when the flowers died.

One member of the public wh0 found a bunch said the flowers made her day as she was missing her mum.

Ann Craddock, one of the organisers, said they people liked living in Kirby because it was a wonderful, supportive community.

This photo below shows a bench in the town centre.

-        What is a community?

-        How does a community happen? Does is happen naturally, can you live somewhere and not feel part of a community?

-        How do you think leaving bunches of flowers builds a good community?

-        You could argue this is littering; how would you respond to that?

-        Why flowers? Would chocolates cheer up people more?

-        What do you think of the bench? Do you think grown ups need this kind of thing?

-        What can we learn from the people of Kirby?

-        Is there anything we can do at our school to build a community? Do we have one already?

Why is this about No Outsiders?

No Outsiders: We belong here by Andrew Moffat  (scheme of work for primary schools) 


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