football shirt


What do you see in the picture? 
Why do you think the footballer is doing that with his hands?

Last weekend, Newcastle United played a game against Hotspur and wore new shirts with RNID over their traditional black stripes.

What does RNID mean?

RNID stands for Royal National Institute for Deaf People and Newcastle United have launched a special shirt with sponsors SELA to make their games accessible to deaf fans.

Why might a football game not be accessible to deaf fans?

The shirts are called haptic shirts and are a world first. They use sensors vibrated during action to transform crowd noise into real-time touch sensation.

What do you think this means?
What does that mean for a fan who is deaf?

The aim is to give deaf fans a match day experience. 

What does "match day experience" mean?

Newcastle United has committed to providing this technology at all future home games and hope to inspire other clubs across Europe and beyond to do the same.

There is a great clip in the link above where you can see footballer  Dan Burn talk about inclusivity and learn the sign language for "Love the fans"

And at the end of that clip in the link you can see Dan proudly using that sign language on the pitch after a goal score and the reaction from the fans. 

Why do you think Dan chose to do that at that moment? Who was that sign for? Why does he look so proud? is it because his team just scored? 

- Why do you think Newcastle United decided to do this?
- What does inclusion mean? Why does it matter?
- What can we learn from Dan Burn?
- why is this about no outsiders?
- which British value is this about?


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