Crazy hair


Gianessa Wride is 9 years old and lives in Utah USA. When Gianessa was 7 she was diagnosed with alopecia. Alopecia is a condition that causes hair to fall out. A child with alopecia is not poorly, they just look different as most children have hair, but they do not. Lots of people have alopecia all over the world.

Gianessa found living with alopecia difficult at first and her Mum was worried she would be bullied for being different.

Gianessa's school held a 'crazy hair day' but Gianessa does not like wearing wigs and she finds scarves often slide off her head. So Mum decided she wold create a "bald and beautiful" look for her daughter, covering Gianessa's scalp with dozens of little jewels.

Gianessa felt nervous at the start of the day but her class mates at school loved her look and she was awarded first place in the Crazy Hair Day competition. Mum said sticking the jewels on Gianessa's head, "adds some fun to what could be a stressful time for a girl with no hair. It's my hope that she will continue to want to be herself and express herself in any way she feels comfortable as she grows older."

Gianessa says she was sad at first when she lost her hair, "But now I love being bald. I can do things to my head that other kids can't."

"Your hair doesn't make you who you are - it's what's inside that counts."

What do you see in the picture?
what do you think the story is about?

- what is different about Gianessa?
- in what ways are you similar to Gianessa?
- how do you think Gianessa felt when her hair first fell out?
- why was her mum worried she might get bullied?
- how do you think Gianessa felt at first when she heard there was a Crazy Hair day at school?
- Do you think the Gianessa's school should hold a Crazy Hair Day? What are the arguments for and against the school holding this event?
- why do you think Gianessa's Mum decided to decorate her head?
- Gianessa felt nervous at first when she went to school, why?
- do you think she thought she would win Crazy Hair Day?
- why do you think she won?
- what does the win show us about her school?
- "Your hair doesn't make you who you are" what does Gianessa mean?
- what can we learn from Gianessa?
- what can we learn from Gianessa's school?
- why is this story about No Outsiders?
- Which British value is this about?


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