What do you see in the picture, who are they, where are they, what do you think the story is here?

Anne Blowers lives in Suffolk and achieved something this year that most people would assume was unusual for a great grandmother. 

What do you think she achieved?

Anne went back to school last year after retiring and studied for a English GCSE. 

At what age do people usually take their English Language GCSE?

Anne last took her exams in 1965 (they were called O Levels back then) but decided to refresh her qualifications. She said, "I absolutely loved it because I am a creative person."

What does creative mean?

"I do write a bit. I've not had anything published but that might change, who knows?"

What does Ann mean by this? Do you think Anne is a hopeful person? How do you know?

Anne went to college to study for her GCSE and she was the oldest person in the class. 

Why did the college let her join the class, why didn't they say, "You're too old!"

What is the law called in the UK that includes age as a protected characteristic to make sure people of different age are treated fairly? (The Equality Act 2010. Who else is mentioned in that law?)

How do you think Anne felt when she first walked in to class and realised she was far older than everyone else. Why might she feel like an outsider?

How do you think school has changed since Anne was last there?

How do you think the other students treated her? If you were in that class, what could you do to make sure Anne did not feel like an outsider?

Anne says she used to joke with the students, saying, "Do you want to be doing this when you're my age?" 

Why do you think she was saying that?

Anne says, "Every day is a learning day. It's never too old."

What does Anne mean by that?

What is a stereotype? What are the stereotypes about elderly people, how is Anne challenging those stereotypes? 

What can we learn form Anne? 

What can we learn from the college?

Why is this about No Outsiders?

No Outsiders: Everyone different, everyone welcome" by Andrew Moffat



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