cats and dogs


Before telling this story, ask the children how cats and dogs normally behave. Are cats and dogs friends? Why not? 

Ginger Biscuit is a dog that was found after a downpour of torrential rain in the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa. He was rescued and taken to an animal hospital where the vets put him in a bed to recover. The dog was only 8-10 weeks old and very anxious; he wouldn't allow anyone to come near. 

The only other animal in the room was  stray kitten called Ann. Anne had also been rescued after being discovered hiding in a bush at a sports club. Both animals were in separate crates on the opposite sides of the room. One morning the vets came in to the room and were shocked to find Ann missing from the crate. They were even more shocked to find Ann snuggled up to Ginger in his crate. 

The vet says, "When we first saw them together there was definitely a  moment of  panic as some dogs don't react well to cats and vice versa." But very soon the vets saw the two animals were actually caring for one another. The vets put Ann back in their own crate but the two animals kept returning to each other. Now they share a crate full time and couldn't be happier. 

You can see more photos of this story on the two videos on the link above.

- why do you think Ginger biscuit was so anxious?
- why do you think the vets put the dog and the kitten in to separate crates?
- why do you think the kitten squeezed through the bars to get to Ginger biscuit?
- why do you think Ginger allowed the kitten to get close?
- "cats and dogs shouldn't be friends" - what do think of this statement?
- perhaps Ginger isn't a real dog and Ann isn't a real cat? They should be separated and out with other dogs and cats so they can learn how to behave properly...
- what can we learn from Ginger Biscuit and Ann?
- why is this about No Outsiders?


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