

Start by showing the top picture and asking, what do you see in the picture, what do you think this story is about? Explain Amelia is 10 years old and lives in Merthyr Tydfil in Wales. She has become very good at her favourite sport and here she is with a medal. Ask the children to guess which sport Amelia is good at.

Then show the second picture, what sport do you think it is now? (children may guess football straight away using the top picture; it will be interesting to see whether gender stereotypes still exist and whether football is mentioned as a possibility from children before they see the second picture.)

Amelia loves football and plays for her local team. She practices every night after school so she has become very good. So good in fact, that she has scored 143 goals this season in games across South Wales.

Her coach takes her off the pitch for the second half of every game to give the other players a chance. Amelia has usually scored 10 goals by the end of the first half. 

Amelia's aim is to play for Wales and Liverpool and her role model is Liverpool striker Mo Salah.

- Did children guess that the sport was football after the first picture? If not, ask why children did not guess football, what is a gender stereotype? (if children did guess football, use that to praise the children for their non-judgement about who can be good at football - 'that's why I love this school because we show that sport is for everyone, we don't have gender stereotypes here')
- Why do you think Amelia is so good at football?
- Why does Amelia's coach take her off at half time?
- Do you think that is the right decision? What are the arguments for and against this decision?
- How do you think Amelia behaves when she is sent off the pitch? She has done nothing wrong yet she is being sent off! How would you feel? Do you think she argues? Explain your answer?
- What makes this story interesting? Is it interesting because Amelia has scored 143 goals, or it is interesting because Amelia is a girl? Why do you think this made the news? 
- What can we learn from Amelia?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?


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