bus driver


Ranjit Singh works for National Express in West Bromwich. Ranjit loves his job and recently he made a video to show friends and family living in India what he does and who he works with. The video has been viewed thousands of time and is being praised by other bus drivers. You can watch the video in the link above.

Ranjit says, "I have worked at National Express for 13 years and take great pride in what I do. There's a real team spirit and I wanted to do something that celebrated the many different communities that we have at our West Bromwich depo and how we all work together as one team."

In the song, Ranjit sings in Punjabi and there are English subtitles. Watch the video and ask the children which lines are about No Outsiders:
"From different countries brothers drive buses together," 
"Sisters also drive buses from different cultures and nations from all over the world."
"All the different countries and nations drive together as friends."
"Working in the offices as brothers, we sit together in the canteen as brothers."
"Other cultures greet us"

- what is National Express?
- Why do you think Ranjit made this video?
- What bits of the video / song suggest Ranjit would agree with us and No Outsiders?
- Are there any instruments you recognise?
- The video shows people with black skin, brown skin and white skin and different gender dancing together. What does this show about the UK today?
- What can we learn from Ranjit?
- Why is this about No Outsiders?



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