A real family



The photo shows a statue in Birmingham City Centre called, "A real Birmingham family.". Ask children to describe the family and ask who are the people in the photo.

The people standing behind the photo are the family used for the statue and the sculptor, Gillian Wearing, who stands in the middle.
The two woman depicted in the photo are sisters, Roma and Emma Jones and their children, Kyan and Shaye.
Gillian said she wanted to show that the idea of what makes a family isn't fixed. She liked how the sisters spoke of their closeness and how they supported each other.

The statue got lots of people talking on social media about their own families and what families looked like:

"No such thing as a "real" family. A family can be a anyone, it's who you love and look after and cherish that matters, whether that be Mum and Dad and children or 2 dads and children or just a loving couple with no children. Families come in all shapes and sizes, it's not one size fits all."

"Families come in all shapes and sizes, 2 moms, 2 dad, mom and dad. step parents, 1 parent, All children want and need is someone who loves them and takes care of them."

"My wife and I have a daughter that we raise together as 2 moms. This is actually a picture of 2 sisters, although it doesn't really matter! Two mums and happy children!"

 - why do you think Birmingham wanted a statue showing a family in the city centre?
- why call it "A real Birmingham family"?
- why do you think Gillian chose two sisters as her models?
- "the idea of what makes a family isn't fixed" what does that mean?
- what different families do we have in our school?
- what do you think a family needs?
- what does this statue show us about families in the UK today?
- what can we learn from this statue?
- why is this about No Outsiders?



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