stick library


Innovative 10-year-old creates 'stick library' for local dogs - CNN

D  10 year old Jeremiah Carter from Canada devised a plan to keep himself busy and help residents living in his community.
Jeremiah built a stick library for dogs. The idea was that dogs would have a collection of sticks that could be used to play fetch. He first had to decide how big the library needed to be and then collect and measure wood. He also had to cut it down to the right size.
The finished library was delivered to the local park and tied to a fence so that it wouldn’t go missing. Jeremiah then started to build a collection of sticks. He filled up the box and returned the next day to see if anything had happened.
Jeremiah was astonished to find all the ticks had gone. Clearly the library was being used.
Jeremiah’s Dad said, “It seemed to make people happy and it’s given him some enjoyment and a bit of purpose. It seems to be a good thing for the community. It can connect us in a way when we’re not as connected as we normally are.”
Jeremiah and his dad are already making another stick library for another park.
-        What is a library, how does it work?
-        How does a stick library work?
-        How would Jeremiah have made the box, how many pieces of wood would he have needed?
-        Why do you think Jeremiah made this library during lockdown?
-        Why do you think all the sticks had gone when Jeremiah went back after one day?
-        How do you think the stick library made dog walkers feel? (how do you think the dogs felt?)
-        “It can connect us in a way when we’re not as connected as we normally are.” What does this mean?
-        What is the point of a library, is this version actually working? (the dogs are not bringing the sticks back, so is it a library?)
-        How could the stick library service be improved?
-        What can we learn from Jeremiah?


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