

Ruby Matthews is 12 years old and has become the UK's No1 table football player in her age group.

You can watch a short film of Ruby speaking about her game in the link above. She says, "You've got to be able to control the ball, be able to shoot, maybe have a good goal keeper and defend so when they attack you and the ball gets past this line, you've got to defend it so they can't score."

Ruby was taught Subbuteo by her dad and now they play every night, sometimes three times a night.

She is now going to compete in the Table Football World Cup in Rome next year.

- what is table top football, how is is similar and how is it different to real football?
- How has Ruby become good at football?
- What do you notice about the people in the photo?
- why do you think there are not more girls or women in the photo?
- who is football for? 
- why might Nancy feel like an outsider in her Subbuteo team?
- who is the best player in Ruby's Subbuteo team? (who is ranked No1 in the UK in her age?)
- what do you think the men in the photo think about girls and boys playing football?
- what can we learn from Ruby?
- why is this about No Outsiders?


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