
Joao Vicente is a 7 year old boy living in Brazil. He has Cerebral Palsey. Joao’s Mum works with him every day and felt worried when he stated to ask about using a skateboard. Mum knew Joao would not be able to hold himself up on a skateboard and she tried to dissuade him from the idea, thinking it would be impossible; ”I tried for a long time to replace the desire for skateboarding with other tools. He rode on a tricycle but that’s not what he wanted.”

Stevan Pinto is a physiotherapist and Daniel Paniagua is a psychologist; together they started the Skate Anima project adapting skateboards so that children with disabilities could enjoy the sport. Joao’s mum says their work is “very powerful and beautiful; it’s necessary.”

The video of Joao skateboarding with his mum went viral.

Mum say; “Understand that places that don’t welcome everybody are disabled, ideas are disabled, not people.”

“May Joao’s smile wake up other people. Diversity is our strength.”

-        Why does Joao want to skateboard?

-        Why did Mum try to stop Joao talking about skateboarding?

-        Why did she try to get Joao to use a tricycle instead? How do you think that made him and her feel?

-        The Skate Amina project is “very powerful and beautiful; it’s necessary.” What does Mum mean?

-        Why do you think the film of Joao skating went viral?

-        What does that show about people around the world?

-        “places that don’t welcome everybody are disabled, ideas are disabled, not people.” what does that mean?

-        “May Joao’s smile wake up other people. Diversity is our strength.”

-        What can we learn from Joao?

-        What can we learn from Joao’s mother?

Why is this about No Outsiders?

No Outsiders: Everyone different, everyone welcome by Andrew Moffat


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