

This photo shows Olympic champion David Brown running the 100m. David is blind and so when he runs he is attached to his guide Jerome Avery using a rubber finger band. Jerome also calls out obstacles and tells David how far he has to go. The aim is for the pair to run as one person; in a video in the link above you can watch David and Jerome work as a team. They are current world and Paralympic champions.

In a recent interview David said, "It's really hard t put in to words how much you have to trust somebody when you can't see something. It's an individual sport but you've got to be able to depend on somebody else to help."

- what do you see in the picture?
- where are they, what are they doing?
- do you notice anything different about the runners?
- why do you think they are attached?
- what are the challenges David faces as a blind Olympic runner?
- how are those challenges overcome?
- how do you think David felt when he started training as a runner?
- do you think anyone could guide David in his races? What is needed?
- "The aim is for the pair to run as one person" how do a pair achieve that aim?
- do you think anyone ever advised David to do something else? What do you think his response might have been?
- what can we learn from David Brown?
- why is this about No outsiders?

No Outsiders: Everyone different, everyone welcome by Andrew Moffat


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