face mask



Justine Bate is a mother who has a ten year old daughter. Both Justine and her daughter are deaf. Lip reading is one way people who are deaf communicate and Justine was worried about her daughter being able to join in at school if people wore masks. So Justine invented a new mask to help her and her daughter and since she posted this photo on social media, she has been inundated with requests for masks from others.  

Justine says she is not only receiving requests from deaf people; there have been requests from people with small children who are afraid of people in masks. These masks help children to be less frightened. 

Justine’s husband Carl says, “The amount of people who have come up to her and asked for these masks is quite overwhelming. She’s loving the fact that she’s helping others make a better quality of life in this situation.” 

- What does being deaf mean? 

- What is lip reading? 

- Lip reading is only one way deaf people can communicate, what is another way? 

- How is coronavirus affecting Justine’s daughter joining in at school? 

- Why do you think she has been inundated with requests for masks? 

- Who do you think wears the masks at Justine’s daughter’s school? Why?  

- If you are not deaf, and you are in Justine’s daughter’s class, why should you wear a mask?  

- Who could feel like an outsider in Justine’s daughter’s class? Why? 

- How do the masks make sure no none feels like an outsider? 

- What can we learn from Justine? 

- What can we learn from the people in Justine’s daughter’s class? 


No Outsiders: Everyone different, everyone welcome by Andrew Moffat


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