
Biggest ever football session

                                         What do you see in the picture? What is happening? What do the T-shirts say- what is this about? On March 7th the "Biggest ever Football Session" is happening in schools across the UK. What do you think this is? The Biggest Ever Football Session is about inspiring and making sure girls feel welcome playing football.  It's about inclusion in sports, showing that girls belong in football.  The aim is to get as many girls as possible in school all playing football on the same day.  What does inclusion mean? Why might dome girls feel unwelcome playing football, what do some people say about football and boys and girls. What do we say at our school about girls and boys and football? Watch this video  #LetGirlsPlay- The...


Image   Ask what do you see in the photo? What is happening? There is something different about this mountain biker, can anyone guess what it is?   Xavier is blind; he has less than 10% eyesight.  W hat do you think less than 10% eyesight means for Xavier? What do you think he sees? After struggling to get a job Xavier decided to pursue his love of biking; he posted videos online and was approached by companies who offered to sponsor him in shows. He now hopes to go professional.  How do you think Xavier manages to do this with 10% eyesight, what are the challenges?  How do you think he overcomes the challenges?  Xavier talks about how his eyes work differently; he has albinism which means his eyes let too much light in, and he also has nystagmus which causes his eyes to shake. Because of this, Xavier walks each route before using his bike and then remembers turns, jumps and where roots, rock...


                           What do you see in the picture? How do you think these photos were taken? What are they taken of? Last weekend, snow fell in some parts of the UK. B illions of snowflakes were falling from the sky. Snow looks the same, but no two snowflakes are the same. When we look at snow falling we can't see differences but in 1885 scientist Wilson Bentley attached a microscope to a camera and realised something. What do you think Wilson realised? Wilson realised thar however many snowflakes were captured, none were exactly the same. They were all different. What do you think makes the snowflakes different? The shape of a snowflake is formed as it falls through the air. Even if two snow flakes fall side by side, they will be blown through different levels of humidity and vapour; no two journeys are exactly the same so every flake ...


                    What do you see in the picture, what is happening, what sport do you think they are playing - what are the clues? What's the story here? 10 year old Riley was 60m from the finish line of a cross country race in Grimsby when he collapsed with a stitch. Another runner, Julian, picked up Riley and carried him across the finish line. What were the choices facing Julian as he saw Riley fall down? Julian could have run past Riley and won the race - why do you think he stopped and picked him up? How do you think Riley felt when Julian stopped for him? Julian said, "I'd rather not have won and helped my friend than leave him there" What does Julian mean? How would you describe Julian's behaviour? In the photo it looks like Julian is saying something to Riley; what do you think he is saying? (steer children away from "Are you ok?"- he knows ...


Image What do you see in the story where are they? How are they similar and different? Jamario Howard was eating a meal with his friends in a restaurant in Alabama, USA when he noticed an elderly woman sitting on her own at a table. Jamario says, "I don't ever want to eat alone, so I decided to talk to her." How does it feel to eat alone? Why do you think Jamario decided to talk to the woman even though he didn't know her? Jamario approached the woman, he says she had a look on her face as he approached. What do you think the woman was thinking as he approached? He introduced himself and they started chatting. The woman's name was Eleanor Baker; she told Jamario she had lost her husband and the next day would have been their 60th wedding anniversary. Jamario invited  Eleanor to join his friends on their table. Why did he do that? How do you think Ja...

First day at school

Image What do you see in the picture, what is happening, why might it be happening - what do you think the story is here? Axel Johnson is 4 years old and this photo shows him on the school bus on his first day at school. - What can the first day of school be like? - how do you think Axel is feeling in the photo, how to do know? - what does Axel need? When Axel had to get on the school bus, he was frightened to leave his mum for the first time. He wouldn't let go of her hand. - why was he frightened? Isabel Lane was the bus driver that day and she decided to help. - What did Isabel do? Isabel offered to hold Axel's hand for the journey. - why did Isabel offer to do that? - How do you think that helped Axel? Isabel sa...

Different dog

Image What do you see in the picture? What do you notice about this dog, what do you think this story is going to be about? Muppet is a Chinese crested dog from Peterborough who won an award last month.  - What award do you think Muppet won? Muppet looks a bit different to other dogs - he has different teeth and his tongue is a different shape. Muppet was awarded "Britain's ugliest pooch" - Why do you think Muppet won? Muppet's owner is called Bev. She says Muppet is "beautiful inside and out" - why does Bev say that, what does she mean? - Do you agree? Muppet won a trophy and a pamper session at a dog spa which includes a mud bath followed by a photo shoot. - What do you think about this award?  - You could argue it's only a bit if fun and it doesn't matter... what is the other side of the argument? - If someone or something looks different, does that mean they are ugly? - what do we say at our school ab...